Resonance audiobook now available
I just approved the audio for Resonance. It should be available in all stores once QA approves.
Free books for the holiday
Catch up on your reading this holiday weekend. On July 3rd and 4th the following books are FREE. White Hat…
Resonance available June 30th
The next episode of the Cyber Overture series is available on pre-order wherever eBooks are sold. Stores include Amazon, Kobo,…
Today I just approved the final audio for War With Black Iris. It will be in the Audible, Apple, and…
Goodreads Giveaway Ends for War With Black Iris Kindle edition
Congrats to the winners! I lowered the price of War With Black Iris and White Hat Black Heart to 99…
War With Black Iris Goodreads Giveaway Ends Soon
There’s still time to enter the giveaway. However, even if you don’t win, you can still get your hands on…
White Hat Black Heart Goodreads Giveaway Update
Congrats to the winners! All books bound for the US mainland and Canada have been mailed from Hawaii. Most US…
War With Black Iris is Live
The wait is over, the follow up to White Hat Black Heart is live. Win a copy of the Kindle…
Chromatic – Cyber Overture 2
In a few days, the manuscript will make it’s way to the editor. Chromatic picks up right where Sonorous leaves…
Sonorous – Cyber Overture 1 Released
I had initially planned Sonorous as a full-length novel but decided to release sections early because so many people are…