Inspiration for writing fiction Pt. 1
I wanted to give readers a little insight into my inspiration is for writing my books. For those who don’t know, I’ve been in IT since the early ninties. I specialized in the cybersecurity field in 2008. A few years into my security career, I get asked if something was safe. The idea to write about it was immediate, and I started writing technical how-to guides and published on my blog. When I didn’t get the adoption I was looking for, I decided to fictionalize it—creating the worlds where my characters lived proved to be more challenging than I thought.
Flash forward seven years later, I came across my unfinished manuscript for what would become White Hat Black Heart. I decided at that very minute to continue that work. Eighteen months later it was published.
Stay tuned for additional behind the scenes posts in the days leading up to the launch of War With Black Iris.